Identify and Research Threats Via Open Source Intelligence 0 Comments April 11, 2017

ternet provides investigators with the ability to detect individuals, identify threats and organize offensive and defensive approaches. Focusing on the individual threat is not always the answer. Correct searches of social media platforms can identify the real threats, suspects, and witnesses in an investigation. In this webinar, you will learn how to employ popular social media to help solve security challenges. For example, Facebook can be used to ascertain information on associations and pictures even if the “walls” are closed. Tweets and Instagram pictures can geo-locate an individual anywhere in the world. Hashtag conversations can be followed – even over different social media platforms. Join us for this webinar to learn the inside knowledge and approaches successful investigators gather from Open Source Intelligence.

Learning Objectives

    Learn how investigators can properly search social media platforms to discover critical information on a subject

  • Identify which specific social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) are best for gathering particular types of information
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